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Your table is waiting!

Ralph's Grapevine Blog

green grapes hanging on brown wooden arboire

Although I have authored numerous articles outside of my restaurant reviews, most have not appeared in a place where they were readily accessible. You may not have seen them on my other website, years ago… Ergo, Grapevine is a new addition to my new site. It is my blog regarding issues outside of my reviews realm.

(This page may contain affiliate links. Read our disclosure about affiliate links.)

These additions cover ideas like dining etiquette, kitchen considerations (how to handle a knife, etc.), techniques, recipes, rants & raves, favorite chefs, wines and pairings, and more. Some of these may even be added by Lauren. She is especially sharp when it comes to wines and pairings!

My hope is that these additions will not only help you to gain insights into how I feel about a broad range of topics, but also perhaps broaden your horizons when it comes to food, preparation of food, restaurants, and dining in general. Bon Appetite!

Your Table is waiting…

person in white dress shirt holding white ceramic bowl with food

Ralph Pancetta

Food Critic

In my career are twenty-five-plus years learning the restaurant business – from top to bottom – and six years in a Midwest university learning and polishing my writing skills. I have spent a good number of those years (just how many yet to be determined) on the road and authored well over 150 reviews & articles – and still counting.

I’ve traveled from Maine to Florida, from Boston to San Francisco,  from Seattle to San Diego, and from Dallas to way north of Duluth, sampling and writing about food. And Yes, I love restaurants, I love preparing, writing about, and eating, food. I hope you enjoy reading what I have written!

Ralph Pancetta

casa meexicana exterior

Casa Mexicana

It’s hard to know exactly where to start. In this



For those of you old enough to remember a song

exterior view of Norske Nook

Norske Nook

The situation required that we partake of some breakfast first
