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A.W. Shucks Cocktail & Oyster Bar

colorful fish mural

Through the years, Lauren and I have made numerous visits to Carmel, California. What amazes me is that, on almost every trip there, we have stopped for either appetizers, lunch, or cocktails and a snack at A.W. Shucks. Midwest Version of A.W. Shucks Turns out, it has become one of our most favorite venues in […]

Sea Harvest Fish Market

sea harvest fish market & restaurant exterior

Of all the time I have spent in Carmel or visited there, I always take time to head to the Crossroads Shopping Center on every trip. Why? Because located there is the Sea Harvest Fish Market & Restaurant. (This page may contain affiliate links. Read our disclosure about affiliate links.) Also, because there Lauren and […]

5 O’Clock Club

5 oclock club exterior

The 5 O’Clock Club has an incredible view, sitting atop a hill that overlooks Granite Lake. It’s 155 acres of scenic beauty with plenty of your favorite fish species. But wait! I’m getting way ahead of myself… Getting Comfortable Again Lauren and I have – at least temporarily – reconnected with a long-time friend. You’ll […]

Bistro One West

bistro one west exterior

It has always been an odd sensation for me to walk in to a building that has previously housed another restaurant — let alone three or four other restaurants.  For instance, take Bistro One West… Recent events have been a painful reminder that nothing lasts forever. Excellent Location for a Restaurant So, I suppose it […]

302 West (2001)

302 west restaurant exterior

I remember – vividly – the very first time that I walked into 302 West … the place was empty. I had, on occasion, driven to Chicago for dinner when I wanted a “fine dining” experience. But here was a place – right in Geneva – that offered the same kind of menu! Menu is […]