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Your table is waiting!



For those of you old enough to remember a song released in 1978 (YIKES!), you may recall the lyrics “Walking through the park and reminiscing.” I hope you won’t mind if I do some reminiscing, now… Reminiscing The lyrics came from the song Reminiscing by Little River Band. I hope you don’t mind – and […]

Baseball and Other Important Pastimes

selective focus photography of person wearing LA Dodgers cap looking at baseball field

I’ve only been to a few sports stadiums in my life. A couple with my dad, a couple with friends, and a couple by myself. I’m really not sure why I didn’t go to more. In addition to track, baseball was my favorite sport. If I couldn’t be there in person, I guess I preferred […]

The Decline of Table Etiquette

white candles on round table

As a kid growing up “back in the day,” or what some now consider as the distant past, the rules at our house – at least for the dinner table – were well understood by those who sat at my father’s table. There were of course the obligatory “no-elbows-on-the-table” and no “lip-smacking” and no “horse-play” […]